
March 10–12, 2014 in Lund, Sweden
[Proceedings] [Sessions] [Authors] [Schedule] [Further material]

Papers by Christopher Hill:

Title: Multi-Level Library of Electrical Machines for Aerospace Applications
Authors: Paolo Giangrande, Christopher Hill, Chris Gerada and Serhiy Bozhko
Links: Abstract, Full paper

Title: Implementation of a Multi-Level Power Electronic Inverter Library in Modelica
Authors: Christopher Hill, Paolo Giangrande, Chris Gerada and Serhiy Bozhko
Links: Abstract, Full paper

Title: Implementation of a Modelica Library for Simulation of Electromechanical Actuators for Aircraft and Helicopters
Authors: Franciscus van der Linden, Clemens Schlegel, Markus Christmann, Gergely Regula, Christopher Hill, Paolo Giangrande, Jean-Charles Maré and Imanol Egaña
Links: Abstract, Full paper