March 10–12, 2014 in Lund, Sweden
[Further material]
Title: An Optimization Framework for Dynamic Hybrid Energy Systems
Authors: Wenbo Du, Humberto Garcia and Christiaan Paredis
Links: Abstract, Full paper
Title: Industrial application of optimization with Modelica and Optimica using intelligent Python scripting
Authors: Karin Dietl, Stephanie Gallardo Yances, Anna Johnsson, Johan Åkesson, Kilian Link and Stéphane Velut
Links: Abstract, Full paper
Title: Simulation of Smart-Grid Models using Quantization-Based Integration Methods
Authors: Xenofon Floros, Federico Bergero, Nicola Ceriani, Francesco Casella, Ernesto Kofman and François Cellier
Links: Abstract, Full paper
Title: On the Simulation of Offshore Oil Facilities at the System Level.
Authors: Joris Costes, Jean-Michel Ghidaglia, Philippe Muguerra, Keld Lund Nielsen, Xavier Riou, Jean-Philippe Saut and Nicolas Vayatis
Links: Abstract, Full paper